So where do I begin... let's begin at the beginning. I was born... okay not that far back.
I am from Connecticut and my husband is from Santa Cruz, Bolivia we met over 12 years ago in College; after Fer graduated from college he headed down to Miami, FL to be closer to his family. Once I graduated I had the opportunity to follow him down to Miami and weighing the options of Connecticut versus Miami I hopped in the car and headed down to Florida myself. :) After a series of jobs triumphs and tribulations Fer landed a job with Efacec a company from Portugal that manufactures power equipment it's a good job and thanks to it we have afforded the life we want.
Well Efacec has been talking for (I'll say) years about moving their offices to somewhere in the United States where they could have a factory in which to build their equipment here in the US. Finally the time has come where a decision has been made the blue prints have been drawn and we're packing our bags heading to Georgia. Specifically Atlanta.
Let me go back to Miami... Miami has been our home for over 8 years now. We love it. The weather is always beautiful (well for the most part sometimes there's hurricanes) and I've totally acclimated to the warmer weather. Took awhile I remember moving down in the summer months and wondering what I got myself into. Can you say AFRICA HOT? This is our home we have family here and thansk to all our great friends we have "adopted" families. We have gone to weddings here, babies first birthdays, quinces, friends BBQs, funerals, graduations - evertything. This is home. Miami is where Fer and I got married. We will always have a special spot in our hearts for Miami and for the friendships that we have developed here; they are PRICELESS! Miami has been the perfect place for Fer and I it's a little bit of this and un poco de eso (hope that's how you say "a little bit of that" in spanish) meaning we're still in the United States (SORT OF) but have all the influences of Latin America where Fer is from so it's the best of both worlds. The thought of leaving makes me get teary eyed but sometimes ones life takes new directions without you planning for it. It makes me smile to know that I will remain friends FOREVER with my peeps here in Miami, without a doubt.
So we are now in a sea of boxes packing up our home and heading to Altanta, GA (mid of August) We'll see how things go, I'm looking forward to the adventure, discovering a new place and having four seasons (not sure about the cold one), but will continue to be thinking of the great people I have met in Miami and can now call my friends. Hope they come to visit!
Stamps Are Fun 03 | Ali's Project 02
2 hours ago
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