
Attending the Blog & Business Workshop

As I mentioned earlier this week Marta from the blog Marta Writes is hosting a Blog & Business Workshop over on her site, I just had to share how awesome it has been. I am learning so much this week and most of all the statement she made, something that has been her motto for awhile... u be u and I'll be me. :) I love it! Isn't that how we should all be... just worried about ourselves and our loved ones that surround us and not what everyone else is doing. I can't believe how much time we can spend worry about things that are out of our control and non of our business.

I feel the tone of her workshop is gentle but very real while her and the experts she's asked to join the discussion are sharing with us what works for them in regards to time management, starting their businesses online and getting noticed. It makes me realize I don't have to do everything at once and when you do try something new give yourself the LUXURY of doing it well. Isn't that nice.

So I had to chime in again about her workshop, if you haven't visited her site yet then hop on over there and check it out you can still read thru the week and see what she has to say, you'll enjoy it.

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