
Georgia's Stone Mountain

Okay now I'm caught up to date, this is the last post I wanted to share from when my parents were visiting Atlanta, these photos are from Georgia's Stone Mountain Park. It's a very nice place to spend a day, enjoy a picnic, go hiking or right now enjoy the Stone Mountain Christmas Village, which I'm hoping to go to soon.

Here's the details on the carving in the mountain:

Who are the three men on the Carving on the mountain?

The Memorial Carving depicts three Confederate heroes of the Civil War: Confederate President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee and Lt. General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

How big/tall is the mountain? How big is the Carving?
The mountain is 825 feet tall and covers 583 acres. The top of the mountain is 1,683 feet above sea level.The entire carved surface of the Memorial Carving measures three acres, larger than a football field. The carving of the three men towers 400
feet above the ground, measures 90 by 190 feet, and is recessed 42 feet into the
mountain. The deepest point of the carving is at Lee's elbow, which is 12 feet
to the mountain's surface.

Fer and I were playing around with the toys in the gift shop. Some people just never grow up.

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