
2010 Christmas Card in the Making

Once again Zico was the main focus of our Christmas Card, he's such a cutie and such a cooperative model. Here's a quick look at all the photos that I took and that it takes in order to find just the right one.
Here's the winning picture. I just love it, he's such a fluffy little guy.
Here's how the final product turned out, isn't it great. I ordered the cards from Costco which I've been doing for the past few years, for $15 dollars you get 50 cards plus envelopes - that's the kind of deal that works for me. :) Can't wait to work on our Christmas card in 2011 should be fun.

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  1. Loved your Christmas card. Great picture of the Z-man.

  2. Oh, and I will definitely be expecting a non-fur baby on the next one ;)
