
The details in preparing for Christmas 2010

I'm sure you're all Christmassed out but let me back track a few days and go over some of the details that went into our Christmas this year. One of the things that Fer and I really wanted to do since we were having the whole family come to stay with us this Christmas was have a wall of stockings hung waiting for everyone that was going to be here. We felt that it would be such a welcoming statement to them when they entered our home. I hope they felt that way.
Since buying 9 stockings with their names embroidered on them or even just the initials could run a pretty penny we decided to purchase simple traditional stockings and then I would make the initials for each stocking... somehow.
I found in Microsoft Word a good "block type" font that would be easy to cut out of cardboard and work with, so I printed everyone's initials in like a size 250 font and traced those letters onto cardboard.
Then I covered them in glue and glittered them. :) Green for the boys and red for the girls.
Love glitter.
And here is the finished product. I attached the letters with fabric glue directly to the stocking. We hung all the stockings with good ole command hooks - got to love them. Hung easily and took them down easily.
So there you have it. Stockings for the whole family 101. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Great job - that's a lotta stockings! Glad you guys had a beautiful Christmas.
